All About Us--The Resident Amoebas

Amoeba #1 Brandon
As a senior majoring in Criminal Justice at Buffalo State College, Brandon says there's not much else to know about him... but I can tell you two more pertinent facts. Brandon loves dogs, and he's a humble team player who gives his all to support group efforts while downplaying his own contributions. If you're lucky, Brandon just may be the guy who helps you out of a bind in a few years... he'll be putting his criminal justice training to work and hopefully marrying that training to his love of dogs by becoming part of a K-9 cop team. He's certainly got all the right ingredients going on. Team player, dog-lover, and college degree wielding Criminal Justice Major.

Amoeba #2 Cherie Noel.
I'm a published author, a retired nurse, and in the midst of a career changing pursuit of my undergraduate bachelors degree in Business Administration. When an old Army injury side-lined my nursing career, I re-invented myself as a romance novelist. Now, with multiple novels, novellas and short stories published through several different publishing houses I've chosen to return to school to gain a better understanding of the business end of my creative endeavors. With multiple technological needs (knowing how to format your own novels for use on a variety of different ereader devices as well as on both pc's and Mac's is a huge feat for a techno-amoeba), as well as an ever increasing level of expected proficiency expected of me when I wear my Mama hat--you would't believe the stuff high schools expect teens to understand how to do! and being unable to help with homework is a non-issue in this household-- I have numerous reasons to want to understand as much as possible about using a computer. I highly recommend that every college student try to take a computer fundamentals course during their first or second semester of college. The skills you acquire in doing so will enable you to excel in your other classes.

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